¿What can we wait in a post pandemic context?
Launching of the Banks and development projects in Colombia Geoportal
Date: October 1st
Hour: 11:00 a.m hour COL
Registration here
Context of the discussion: Institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank have an important role as funders of economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean, through the financing of megaprojects and policies. Due to the role they play, it is important to deepen the debate on their commitments and responsibilities in social and environmental matters. These institutions acquire greater importance in the context of the crisis that the region is currently experiencing and that has worsened as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, as funders and cooperators of those sectors that governments consider key to economic recovery, such as infrastructure and energy.
Recently, both have had significant changes in the directives: the World Bank has a new president since April 2019, David Malpass, an advisor to the current president of the United States and a recognized critic of the Bank and the International Monetary Fund. In the case of the IDB, its new president was elected last August of this year. Mauricio Claver, the elected president, is the current special advisor to the president of the United States for Latin America and the Caribbean. His election has aroused criticism from various sectors. In addition, the IDB recently approved a new Environmental and Social Policy Framework after a two-year process.
Therefore, we convened this space for dialogue to discuss the role of these institutions in the development of megaprojects, their social and environmental responsibilities, based on the experience and gaze of different actors from civil society, academia and communities in the region.
The event will also have a space for the presentation of the Geoportal “Banking and Development projects in Colombia”, a web platform with information on the financing of Multilateral Development Banks in Colombia; This tool has been developed by the Asociación Ambiente y Sociedad.
- Presentation of the Multilateral Banking platform in Colombia
- Generate a discussion on the role of multilateral banks such as the World Bank and the IDB in the development of megaprojects and policies in Colombia and Latin America.
- Discuss the role of banks in the development of projects in a post-pandemic context as funders of “key” sectors for economic recovery such as infrastructure and energy.
Preliminary event agenda:
11:10 – 11:20: platform presentation by Laura Montaño (AAS)
11:20 – 12:00: Multilateral banking discussion and the development of megaprojects in Latin America and the Caribbean What can we expect in the post-pandemic context?
Moderator: Vanessa Torres (AAS)
Panelists: Each presentation will have a time of 10 minutes
- Maria José – Eurodad: Financing for development in times of Covid 19, reflections on the role of the World Bank.
- David Cruz – AAS: Socio-environmental safeguard policies: implementation challenges in projects during and after a pandemic.
- Luis Novoa – University of Rondonia: Impact of megaprojects in Brazil: Hydroelectric. * Pending confirmation
- Leandro Gómez – FARN: Impact of multilateral development agendas on human rights in the region
12:00 – 12:20 Questions
The event will be held in Spanish with translation into English. We thank you for your participation. If you have any questions, please contact us.