Organizational Plan: Amazonian International Mobilization
22 September 2017
In compliance with this mandate of the CDC and CCC meeting of COICA (Pucallpa, July 22, 2017) we send the following organizational plan for the peaceful but intense international mobilization of our peoples in order to adapt them to the reality of each national confederation. A collective international response is urgently needed in defense of our brothers and sisters attacked in the 09 Amazonian countries
- Mobilization Platform.Please review this agreed platform for adjustments and updates
- International mission in the Amazon, of United Nations agencies on Indigenous Peoples (Special Rapporteur, ILO, CERD) and OAS (IACHR ACTO) and Commission of European human rights to check attacks on forests (mining, agribusiness, Illegal logging, megaprojects and others) and the alternatives of our peoples.
- Territorial titling of more than 100 million hectares for the communities in the basin. We ask for the legal setbacks in Brazil, Colombia (“Fast Track”, colonization of resguardos) to stop.We sayno to the imposition of Protected Natural Areas and demand solutions of their overlapping in our territories, a reality in Peru (Yaguas, Pacaya Samiria), Colombia (Chiribikete) and others. We demand the attempt of the Brazilian government to apply to all the peoples of Brazil} the 19 territorial constraints imposed in the case of Raposa do Sul, under the pretext of a “temporary framework” to stop.
- Great threats.Stop the major drivers of deforestation, depredation and pollution such as mining (Venezuela, French Guiana, Colombia, Peru) palm oil plantations and other monocultures and agribusiness, large roads, waterways, dams, colonization. Review of IIRSA projects, punishment of corruption in Lava Jato and Odebrecht cases. Prior consultation and social and environmental safeguards in Chinese investments in the Amazon (as in Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia).
- Isolated Villages.Stop the Ethnocide of the peoples in isolation and initial contact. Establishment of binational corridors to curb the persecution of these peoples. Stop the “controlled contact” from the States.
- Autonomies and Criminalization.Respect towards the self-government of indigenous peoples and communities. No to retrocessions in prior consultation (Colombia). Stop the criminalization of our self-determination. Sanction of the assassins of the indigenous leader Freddy Menare and a Yanomami brother from Venezuela. No to the indigenous repression in Venezuela (Mining Arch), Peru (Station 6 Bagua)
- Economy of Full Life.State funds that promote aquaculture, bio-industries, agroforestry initiatives. Application of art.7 of ILO – Convention 169 to implement and control our own development strategies.
- Health in emergency. Effective national and binational actions to stop the spread of tropical diseases such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, chagas, leprosy, leishmaniasis; As well as those derived from contamination by toxicants derived from mining, oil spills or chemicals from agribusiness.
- Additional national demandsthat the 09 national indigenous confederations will add
- National actions.Adapt, readjust or expand the application in each country of the following possible actions, depending on the situation of the country, the confederation and its local partners:
- Advance in the dissemination of the COICA Amazon Indigenous Platform, in media, radios, social networks.
- Call for solidarity of organizations and social movements, youth, women, environmental, human rights, and others.
- Actions in the host cities of the national confederations and actions in the Amazon localities in each country,
- Marches or sit-ins in front of the main headquarters of national governments, parliaments, ombudsmen, agencies of the United Nations system
- Saplings in front of companies or institutions with aggressive impacts to the international Amazon, such as, among others; BNDES, IIRSA, Chinese Companies,
- Actions in front of institutions with international Amazonian intervention, such as: ACTO, OAS, PAHO, UNESCO
- Delivery of the Platform to state and international institutions
- Political cultural events
- Assemblies of national, regional or local organizations
- Artistic and cultural festivals
- Press Conferences
- International coordination.The 22nd of September must be held through with the actions in each country, but we will have the following plan of international connection or articulation:
- Inform COICA about the exact schedule of each activity in each country
- To install means of transmission, communication and internet diffusion of each activity
- Filming of each activity
- COICA will transmit during the 22nd the simultaneous activities in each country
- Connection of the networks of each national organization, with the diffusion center of COICA.